My Publications

An (at present incomplete) record of publications. I aim to provide some background information alongside each publication to demystify some of the publication process.

Date Title publication
Jan 29, 2024 Educational Research Education Principles and Practice in Veterinary Medicine
Jan 10, 2024 Veterinary High-Stakes Immersive Simulation Training With Repeat Practice Following Structured Debriefing Improves Students’ Ability to Cope With High-Pressure Situations Simulation in Healthcare
Dec 7, 2023 Preliminary evidence supporting the use of equine science podcasts to bridge the gap between scientists and horse enthusiasts to improve horse welfare Equine Veterinary Education
Nov 22, 2023 Human Behaviour in Veterinary Care Animal Behaviour and Welfare Case Studies
Oct 16, 2023 Perceptions of barriers to providing good cat care in Malaysian clinical practices Animal Welfare
Jul 18, 2023 The health of working dogs in conservation in Africa Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Feb 3, 2023 Evaluation of veterinary students’ confidence and competence with surgical entrustable professional activities after repeated use of low fidelity training models Veterinary Record
Jun 22, 2022 Freeing the free-text comment exploring ethical text mining in the higher education sector Analysing Student Feedback in Higher: Using Text-Mining to Interpret the Student Voice Education
Jun 22, 2022 Veterinary students’ views on surgical entrustable professional activities and the impact of COVID-19 on clinical competence development Veterinary Record
Jan 1, 2022 Development and evaluation of a faculty based accredited Continued Professional Development route for teaching and learning Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
Sep 14, 2021 The cost of asking ‘say that again?’ a social capital theory view into how lecture recording supports widening participation Frontiers in Education
Sep 9, 2021 Open Science for Veterinary Education Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Jun 14, 2021 The VetEd Conference Evolution of an Educational Community of Practice Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
May 1, 2021 Lights, camera, active! Appreciation of active learning predicts positive attitudes towards lecture capture Higher Education
Mar 30, 2021 Play in professional education: vets who horse around. The Journal of Play in Adulthood
Jan 1, 2021 Lecture rapture The place and case for lectures in the new normal Teaching in Higher Education
Oct 1, 2020 Ten simple rules for supporting a temporary online pivot in higher education PLOS Computational Biology
Jul 15, 2020 NSS R Package R Package
Jun 22, 2020 Survey evidence on the impact of lecture recording on equality , diversity and inclusion aims in higher education Research in Learning Technology
May 31, 2019 Show and Tool How lecture recording transforms staff and student perspectives on lectures in higher education Computers and Education
Mar 19, 2019 Using National Student Survey (NSS) Qualitative Data to Explore Disciplinary Cultures Around Assessment and Feedback Higher Education Pedagogies
Jun 1, 2018 Lessons Learned from Teaching Multiple Massive Open Online Courses in Veterinary Education Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice
Apr 1, 2018 Animal Personality The Science Behind Individual Variation 5M Books
Jul 17, 2016 Characterizing the Data in Online Companion-Dog Obituaries to Assess Their Usefulness as a Source of Information about Human-Animal Bonds Anthrozoos
Jan 17, 2016 Massive Open Online Courses as a Tool for Global Animal Welfare Education Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
Jul 17, 2015 Consistent Individual Behavioral Variation The Difference between Temperament, Personality and Behavioral Syndromes Animals
Mar 17, 2014 Fear responses to novelty in testing environments are related to day-to-day activity in the home environment in dairy cattle Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Oct 17, 2013 Short-term temperament tests in beef cattle relate to long term measures of behavior recorded in the home pen Journal of Animal Science
Apr 1, 2012 Establishing the extent of behavioural reactions in dairy cattle to a leg mounted activity monitor Applied Animal Behaviour Science
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